A fanlisting is a list of fans of a particular subject. This way you can easily find blogs that post about the subject you're looking for, or find people to contact to talk about a given topic. In this particular case: Mashmorgan! If you make any sort of Mashmorgan stuff (including but not limited to: fanart, fanfic, au ideas, shitposts) and you want people to find you, get on the fanlist! If you just want to throw your discord/email into the void so you can hit up folks and make friends over your shared love of Mashmorgan, you should also get on the fanlist!

Here is the form to get added to the fanlisting. Same form if you want to get removed later on. I'm doing this process manually, so it might take a while for you to get added, but I'll be as diligent as I can!

The Fanlisting

  • Verse, Website. I run this blog.
  • Akkreti, tumblr, ao3. Discord: ninetyninelies . I (occasionally) write mashmorgan fics and ramble about themes.
  • If you have your own blog or tumblr, you can add one of these buttons below to show your support. We don't have many right now, but I might add some later!

    A gif with Morgan's sprite on the left and Mash's sprite on the right. The background is the colors of the leather pride flag. A heart blinks in and out of the picture. A banner with Morgan's sprite on the left and Mash's sprite on the right. The background is the colors of the leather pride flag. A heart is between them. A banner with the golden berserker sigil on the left and the silver shielder sigil on the right. The background is the leather pride flag. There is a heart between them. A gif with the golden berserker sigil on the left and the silver shielder sigil on the right. The background is the leather pride flag. There is a heart blinking up and down between them.